Brad's Notebook

A place for my thoughts and observations, while pursuing a life with purpose through creativity.

Reflections on My Retreat Experience

Hey beautiful supporters,

I hope this message finds you well. It's been nearly a week since the end of the retreat, and I've had some time to reflect and readjust back to the real world. This retreat was a huge…

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Retreat Update: Day Four

Dear Wonderful Supporters,

I wanted to share some profound experiences from the retreat with all of you. Yesterday was a day of significant growth and multiple breakthroughs for me, and I'm filled with gratitude for the support that has brought…

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Retreat Update: Day Three

Dear Supporters,

I wanted to share an incredible experience from yesterday at the retreat. We spent the day allowing ourselves to dream of a future where we are truly realized and fully functioning as our highest selves, without getting bogged…

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Retreat Update: Day Two

Hi wonderful supporters,

I wanted to share another update from the retreat, along with a photo of me and some of my fellow retreaters hanging out in the kitchen of this beautiful mansion.

Yesterday was a challenging yet incredibly important…

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Retreat Update: Day One

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share an update from my journey at the retreat, along with a photo from my refreshing morning walk.

Recap of Yesterday:

My day started with a carpool from NYC to the retreat in Wawarsing, NY…

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NYC, I Need You! GoFundMe Update and more Livestreams

Hello Wonderful Supporters,

I'm thrilled to share that we raised an extra $237 during our last livestream concert—thank you all for your incredible generosity! We are now sitting at 21% of the total goal.

Mark your calendars for another Facebook…

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GoFundMe Update and Livestream Announcement

Hey there, Wonderful Supporters!

I hope you're all doing fantastic! First off, I just want to send a massive thank you to each and every one of you for being so incredibly awesome and supportive. Your generosity has truly blown…

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